Setup & Submission Guide | Qualtrics

We'll cover the minimum setup requirements: passing embedded data (respondent IDs), adding your redirect completion URL, and collaborating with Centiment

Step 1: Passing Embedded Data

Most surveys will use 2 pieces of embedded data in Qualtrics. One, aid, helps us identify the respondent when they are redirected back to Centiment at the end of your survey. The other, gc, helps us to track completed responses in Qualtrics.

Add aid

Add gc = 1

Pro tip: make sure aid and gc are positioned as in the example flow below. The positions of these embedded data are important for the survey to carry the appropriate data.

Step 2: Completion URL

Your Centiment completion link is unique for each project. This ensures that only participants who complete your study will be compensated by passing the aid variable back to Centiment.

Step 3: Need to disqualify respondents?

You'll need to send disqualified respondents to a specific URL to avoid being charged for them. Reference this article.

Step 4: Collaborate with Centiment

By collaborating with Centiment, you enable us to have full access to only this specific survey. This helps us better manage your data collection as we can investigate the build if issues arise during data collection.