Post-Offer Employment Testing

Building the right team of employees that can safely and efficiently handle the tasks of their roles is critical in today’s business environment. A post-offer employment test (POET) can be used to help you make sure you hire the right employees. Not only will it help with productivity, but it can also reduce costly workers’ compensation fees. After all, the wrong candidate can pose a safety risk to themselves or others.

At PT Solutions, our team of therapists will provide accurate testing of your potential hires to make sure they will be successful in their prospective roles. Our POET and Fit-for-Duty Program provides a positive return on investment almost immediately. In our experience, each dollar spent saves over $15.00.

Post Offer Employment Testing

Benefits Of Post-Offer Employment Testing

The main benefit of a post-offer employment test is that it helps ensure the employees you hire are physically capable of doing the job they’re hired to do.

Other benefits include:

Why Post-Offer Employment Testing Is Important

Your organization is only as strong as your employees. A post-offer employment test ensures you hire people capable of carrying out their responsibilities, which reduces the amount of workplace-related injuries and workers’ compensation costs.

Interested in PT Solutions offering these services? Contact us today!