Python: Recipe Program

I'm doing a Recipe program project for GCSE Computing. It stores recipes in .txt documents and then when requested it will open and present the information for those to read. At this moment in time, it stores the recipe at the top of the .txt file and the ingredients at the bottom. It runs thorugh heading1 for the recipe and splits it up for presenting. Then it should go through heading2 and look through each column, ingredients, weight and measurement. Then using a for loop, will go through the lists and present the ingredients together with their respective weight and measurement. Code is as below:

#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: Recipe Holder # Purpose: Hold recipes # # Author: Ashley Collinge # # Created: 25/02/2013 # Copyright: (c) Ashley Collinge 2013 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def menu(): print "Recipe Holder" print "Use the numbers to navigate the menu." print "" print "" print "1) View Recipes" print "2) Add Recipes" print "3) Delete Recipe" print "" choice_completed = False while choice_completed == False: choice = raw_input("") if choice == "1": choice_completed = True view_recipe() elif choice == "2": choice_completed = True add_recipe() elif choice == "3": choice_completed = True delete_recipe() else: choice_completed = False def view_recipe(): print "" print "" mypath = "/recipe" from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join onlyfiles = [ f for f in listdir("H:/Recipes/recipes") if isfile(join("H:/Recipes/recipes",f)) ] a = -1 for i in onlyfiles: a = a +1 print a, i print "" print "Type in the number of the recipe you would like to view, below and press enter." print "" choice = input("") import os, sys print onlyfiles[choice] something = str(onlyfiles[choice]) directory = "recipes" + "\\" + something from itertools import takewhile, imap with open(directory) as f: items = list(takewhile("heading1".__ne__, imap(str.rstrip, f))) print "Recipe for " + directory for h in range(len(items)): #following three lines to take the list of recipe and split it by line in to instructions then display print str(h)+". "+str(items[h]) def getColumn(title,file): result = [] global result with open(file) as f: headers = f.readline().split(',') index = headers.index(title) for l in f.readlines(): result.append(l.rstrip().split(',')[index]) return result ingredients = (getColumn("ingredients",directory)) weight = (getColumn("weight",directory)) measurement = (getColumn("measurement",directory)) print directory print "Ingredients" for i in range(len(ingredients)): print ingredients[i]+" "+weight[i]+" "+measurement[i] input("") def delete_recipe(): print "Delete Recipe" print "Type in the number of the recipe you would like to delete, below and press enter." mypath = "/recipe" from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join onlyfiles = [ f for f in listdir("H:/Recipes/recipes") if isfile(join("H:/Recipes/recipes",f)) ] a = -1 for i in onlyfiles: a = a +1 print a, i choice = input("") import os, sys print onlyfiles[choice] something = str(onlyfiles[choice]) directory = "recipes" + "\\" + something os.remove(directory) menu() 
Text file is as below:
Recipe As now Put sugar in bowl heading1 ingredients,weight,measurement, Sugar,100,grams heading2 
I get the following as an error:
raspberry_pie - Copy (8).txt Recipe for recipes\raspberry_pie - Copy (8).txt 0. Recipe As now 1. fhgje 2. fe Traceback (most recent call last): File "H:\Recipes\Recipe", line 96, in menu() File "H:\Recipes\Recipe", line 24, in menu view_recipe() File "H:\Recipes\Recipe", line 69, in view_recipe ingredients = (getColumn("ingredients",directory)) File "H:\Recipes\Recipe", line 65, in getColumn index = headers.index(title) ValueError: 'ingredients' is not in list