Operational Risk Management (ORM) - Safety

Risk is inherent in all tasks, training, missions, operations, and in personal activities no matter how routine. The most common cause of task degradation or mission failure is human error, specifically the inability to consistently manage risk. ORM reduces or offsets risks by systematically identifying hazards and assessing and controlling the associated risks allowing decisions to be made that weigh risks against mission or task benefits. As professionals, Navy personnel are responsible for managing risk in all tasks while leaders at all levels are responsible for ensuring proper procedures are in place and that appropriate resources are available for their personnel to perform assigned tasks. The Navy vision is to develop an environment in which every officer, enlisted, or civilian person is trained and motivated to personally manage risk in everything they do. This includes on- and off-duty evolutions in peacetime and during conflict, thereby enabling successful completion of any task and mission. Navy commands and activities accomplish this by executing a four pillar strategy.


It is required that all NPS Personnel take ORM training when they come on board, and every three years thereafter.

In addition to these triennial trainings, there is an annual ORM Refresher training. It is required for all individuals (Civilian and Military) per OPNAVINST 3500.39D.

Methods of training: