Commission on Disability

Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.


Our mission is to ensure that the City of Methuen provides accessible services to those who live in or visit our community. We work with the ADA Coordinator to ensure public accommodations are accessible to all. The Methuen Commission on Disability serves as an advisor to the City on issues relating to citizens with disabilities.

Register for the MassDOT Vrtual Public Hearing on ADA Retrofits for Methuen - November 1

National Disability Month - October 2023

It's National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Learn How Advocacy and Legislation Made This All Possible. October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, see some important historical events relating to employment and day services.

1973: The Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) was passed

1981: Reimbursement of Home and Community-Based Services began

1990: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed

2013: The Blueprint for Success was enacted in Massachusetts

These policies don't come out of thin air. They come from grassroots activity and the ARC of Massachusetts has been working to ensure these rights for 70 years.